Japanese Incense sticks – Tokusei Byakudan


 Nippon-Koh Tokusei Byakudan – Sandalwood apreciate the elgant rich scent of Sandalwood in original craftsmanship. Tokusei Byakudan offers highest quality Indian Sandalwood with balanced notes of medicinal resins. It is believed to bring calmness into peoples minds.

Contains 24 inscence sticks.
No bamboo core.
Time of burning: aprox 13 min

Uplift your spirit.



Fragrance that reaches one’s soul has the power to change time and space into something valuable.

As you light the incense, the aroma will send you back in time to Japan’s good old period. The scent is pure and clear using only natural aromatic materials without the bamboo core, whcih distinguishes itself from the common inscence sticks.

 Uplift your spirit.


Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 10 × 6.5 × 2 cm


Mainichi Byakudan (Everyday Sandalwood)- elegant warming scent.Made of mostly highly quality Indian Sandalwood, plus herbal medicines, which delivers a full-bodies fragrance.
One of the main types of scented wood is Sandalwood, which is known for its sweet and rich scents. It is believed to bring calmness into peoples minds.


    • Using incense stand & ceramic plate
      1. Light the tip of the incense and blow out the flame.
      2. Put the burning incense in an incense stand and place on top of a ceramic plate to catch the ashes. Another method of burning incense is to place the stick in a container of help hold the stick up straight.
      3. Place the incense in the center or corner of a room and avoid having it directly next to you.
      4. The best way to experience incense is to enjoy the wafting fragrant smoke from afar.

      As you see the smoke rise you will begin to enjoy the pleasant fragrance that spreads throughout your space. You will also enjoy the lingering fragrance of the incense long after it has stopped burning.

    • ▼ Using incense burner with incense ash
      1. Fill the incense burner with incense burner ash (up to about 80%).

      2. Light the top of the incense and then extinguish the flame. Let the smoke drift through the air.
      3. If it is a stick incense, stand it on its end in the ash. If it is a cone or coil incense, place it on top of the ash.
      4. Leave the lid off to let the incense burn. *The lid may be closed if there is no danger of cutting off oxygen to the flame.

      NOTE: Our incense ingredients include natural products that may sometimes cause color changes or crystallization; however this has no effect on the quality of the product. Please be careful when dealing with fire.

    • store our of reach of children
    • store in dry and safe place
    • To prevent scattering of ashes do not place incense in a draft
    • Place stand on non flamable surface dávejte na nehořlavý povrch.

    Use for yoga, scenting the area, relaxation, with a bath or “listening” to a scent ceremony with friends.

  • Contains

    • Box includes 60 handmade sticks 6cm long sticks
    • a incense stand in shape of traditional flower design

      Time of burning aprox. 13 min


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